Recent Projects:
RT Group, Inc., E. Providence, RI /SENESCO Marine, N. Kingstown, RI
Subcontractor responsible for environmental permitting
and assessments related to waterfront infrastructure expansion and dredging. Quonset Point, North Kingstown, RI 2006-present.
Garofalo & Associates, Providence, RI
Subcontractor responsible for field delineation of coastal features and permitting
of redevelopment of a urban site within the newly-adpoted Metro-Bay Special Area Management Plan. Work included incorporation
of new Urban Coastal Greenway standards for stormwater management and site access.
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)
Projects, RI and ME
Performed numerous assessments of SAV in support of dock proposals, dredging projects, and remediation of potential
hazardous waste sites. Assessment include review of shallow brackish ponds with widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) and eelgrass
(Zostera marina) and more open estuarine areas of eelgrass.
The coastal zone is a complex environment comprised of sensitive habitats managed by complex regulations. Ecotones, Inc. has
the scientific expertise and regulatory experience to assist you with your coastal zone project.
Whether your project involves
waterfront development for residential, commercial/industrial, or municipal purposes, we are prepared to assist you. Typical
projects we work on include coastal zone developments, dredging, industrial waterfronts, coastal erosion analysis, dock construction,
buffer zone management, and site restoration resulting from violations or to manage invasive species.
ECOTONES, INC. Environmental Consultants ~ PO Box 1131, E. Greenwich, RI 02818 ~ Phone 401-256-5199 Fax 256-5191
© 2010 Ecotones, Inc.