Ecotones, Inc. has performed over 1,000 soil evaluations for septic system design and stormwater management since the inception of
the program in 2001. We have licensed Class IV soil scientists to evaluate soil characteristics and to determine the estimated
high water table for submission to RIDEM for your Onsite Wastewater Treatment System design.
Let us help you through all of the stages
of the process. In addition to the soil evaluations, we also prepare the applications, can arrange for excavation services,
notify Dig-Safe, and work with your engineer/system designer to find the best design and location for your site's needs.
ECOTONES, INC. Environmental Consultants ~ PO Box 1131, E. Greenwich, RI 02818 ~ Phone 401-256-5199 Fax 256-5191
© 2010 Ecotones, Inc.